Custom Faux Brick Integrated Monument Sign Smartens Up School Appearance

Original brick sign

In another successful collaboration with Toth’s Sports of Victor, NY, our Signs By Benchmark team created a new, durable integrated monument to replace a tired old brick sign (see photo to right). Matching existing brick of the nearby school building, the team created a lightweight, faux brick custom monument that presents an updated, professional appearance while enhancing the school’s academic character.

Measuring 167″ wide x 108″ high x 35″ deep, the monument features faux brick columns topped with faux limestone capstones. To aid effective communication, cradled within the sign components is a Daktronics electronic message center.

Signs By Benchmark cellular plastic integrated monument sign

New Signs By Benchmark cellular plastic integrated faux brick monument sign

Because the sign is created from cellular plastic, the saddle mount installation was quick and easy.

“We are getting comments about how impressed everyone is with the sign,”
said Mark McAllister of Toth’s Sports.
“Thanks for making us look good!”

Our signs By Benchmark team specialize in high quality, custom exterior and interior signs that are always customer pleasing. Give our team a call to discuss your upcoming projects at 800-658-3444 or 605-886-8084. Provide your own designs or ask our creative designers for ideas and assistance.