Dress Up a Sign with Classic Columns

Signs By Benchmark ColumnsThere are certain elements that easily embellish a sign – either new signage or an existing sign that needs that extra touch to update and change its appearance from plain to spectacular. One of these elements is the column.

Signs By Benchmark pole coverHighly versatile, the column may be used in new signage to add distinction. For instance, adding columns to some of our standard models would immediately provide a finished, modern look (take a look at models 5, 7, 8 and 11).

In the case of existing signage that may be aging, columns can be just the rescue you’re looking for. They can add instant pizzazz as covers for old, faded poles.

If you have a project that could benefit from the quick installation of a column or two, give the Signs By Benchmark team a call at  800-658-3444or 605-886-8084 to discuss your needs.